Professional Training Poland

Become an Accredited SAS Provider

If you feel passionate about helping others to succeed in education, work or personal relationships, then it's easy and quick to get started as an Accredited SAS Provider. Completion of the SAS Provider Training will equip you with all the knowledge, competence and tools to get started with your first SAS clients within weeks. You will be Accredited by SAS, have full access to the online SAS Provider Platform and be listed on the SAS websites. Adding SAS to your existing tool box can be a real turning point for you and your clients !

"Thank you very much for the wonderful time together and the immense knowledge you have given us. Thank you for all the kindness from the heart that you show to everyone. This is a huge heritage that you want to leave to the world." M.S.

Theoretical Stage

8 hours of training by the developer of the SAS methodology, Steven Michaëlis.

The next trainings in Polish will take place on:

  • Friday 9 May 2025 (15:30 - 19:30) and Saturday 10 May 2025 (9:30 - 13:30).
  • Friday 3 October 2025 (15:30 - 19:30) and Saturday 4 October 2025 (9:30 - 13:30).
All trainings are online via Zoom - timings are Warsaw Timezone. Participants can access video recordings of the training sessions for 30 days afterwards.

Practical Stage

24 hours of experiencing your very own fully personalised online SAS course, specially designed around your individual profile, helping you in your personal and professional development.

Coaching Stage

4 video conference coaching sessions with Katarzyna Gozdek-Michaëlis and Steven Michaëlis.

Next Coaching sessions, all at 19:30 - 20:30 Polish Time:

  • Tuesday 13, Thursday 15, Tuesday 20 and Thursday 22 May 2025.

Participants can access video recordings of the coaching sessions for 30 days afterwards.

Supervision Stage

12 Taster courses for clients are included in the training fee.

Theoretical Stage Contents:

  1. Welcome & Course Overview
  2. SAS Approach (Mission & Approach, Learning, Activating the Brain, Evidence)
  3. Basic Brain Functions (Sensory Filtering & Processing, Processing Dominance, Interhemispheric Integration & Balance)
  4. SAS Techniques (Cross-hemispheric, Uni-hemispheric, Right Ear Preference, Brainwave & Breathing, Specials)
  5. Conditions (Learning Enhancement, Attention Deficit & ADHD, Reading and Writing & Dyslexia, Autism & Developmental Delay, Speech & Language Disorders, Brain Injury & Stroke Recovery, Emotional Well-being)
  6. Client Intake & Course Design (Concerns, Diagnoses, Assessments, Questionnaire, Course Design)
  7. SAS Client App and Provider Platform (App, Web Access, Client Instructions, Provider Platform)
  8. Client Handling - Coaching for Success (Intake, Coaching, Completion, Follow-up , Client Feedback)
  9. Becoming a successful SAS Provider (Administration, Websites, Social Media, Events, Networking)
  10. Completion (Questions & Answers, Certification)

The training will be conducted part in English by Steven Michaëlis, the founder of SAS, with translation into Polish and additional presentations only in Polish. Training materials and the SAS Provider Platform are available in both English and Polish.

Coaching Stage Details:

Each video conference coaching session starts at 19:30 (Polish time) and will last for about an hour. They offer the opportunity to share experiences, have discussions and ask questions.

  • SAS-Smart: Improving learning at school
  • SAS-Balance: Personal development
  • SAS-Life: Age-related issues
  • SAS-Boost: Autism / Developmental delay

The coaching sessions will be conducted in English by Steven Michaëlis and in Polish by Katarzyna Gozdek-Michaëlis.


For further information please contact SAS Centre Polska by email, telephone +48 505 981 381, or Facebook @plsascentre.

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